Your trusted partner in value-based care
We are a team of primary care physicians and population health experts focusing on sustaining and growing primary care groups and leading them into the future of healthcare management. Whether you practice internal medicine, family medicine, or any of the other specialties, our dedicated population health services team is uniquely positioned to help you succeed in value-based care with the application of sound population health management. Here's why.
Vanguard Health Solutions
Launched the first regional, independent, clinically integrated network
Has more than 30 years of proven primary care experience to share and help you achieve your quality and financial targets
Can help you leverage relationships with leading New Jersey payers
Offers viable, affordable, and sustainable healthcare solutions for providers and patients
Your practice​
Does not have to change its electronic health record (EHR) system
Can maintain your independence, keep your practice name, and forge your unique path to success
Our mission
To help primary care providers thrive in value-based care
Our vision
To be the trusted regional experts in the transformation from fee-for-service to value-based care to sustain a community of strong, independent primary care practices
Our strengths as primary care physicians
Trusted primary care partner in the New Jersey region
Primary care–focused solutions
Proven ability to manage and guide practice transformation
Robust data analytic platform connectivity with all EHRs for seamless integration
Consistent leadership, maintaining high ethical and business standards